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http://www.100md.com 2012年9月25日 范建萍


     [摘要] 目的 探讨急诊科潜在的护理安全问题的防范措施,并提出相应的整改措施,分析其临床效果。 方法 选择100例患者为干预前组,并与干预后的100例患者进行比较,观察护理干预前后护理人员理论知识和操作能力的得分情况,并统计护理干预前后医疗事故、医疗纠纷和护理投诉的发生率。 结果 护理干预后护理人员理论知识得分和操作能力得分均显著高于护理干预前(P < 0.05),护理干预后医疗事故、医疗纠纷、护理投诉发生率均显著低于干预前(P < 0.05)。 结论 针对急诊科常见的护理安全事件,在强化安全教育,增强法律意识的基础上,提高业务能力,落实责任制度,增进护患沟通是提高急诊科护理质量,减少安全隐患的重要措施,值得我们重视。

    [关键词] 急诊;护理安全隐患;防范措施;效果

    [中图分类号] R47 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1674—4721(2012)09(c)—0131—02

    Effect analysis of emergency nursing safety prevention measures

    FAN Jianping

    Emergency Department in Zengcheng People''s Hospital with Affiliated Boji Hospital of Zhongshan University, Zengcheng 511300, China

    [Abstract] Objective To explore the clinical effect of emergency nursing safety prevention measures and puts forward the corresponding rectification measures. Methods Before intervention was 100 cases and the intervention group with 100 cases, and compared before and after the intervention of nursing staff, nursing theoretical knowledge and operating ability scores, statisticed the nursing intervention of medical malpractice, medical dispute and nursing complaint rate. Results After nursing intervention, nursing intervention nursing theory knowledge score and operation ability score were significantly higher than before (P < 0.05), after nursing intervention, medical malpractice, medical dispute, the incidence of nursing complaints were significantly lower than before (P < 0.05). Conclusion According to the emergency department of nursing safety events, strengthen safety education and law basis can improve the operational capacity, implement of the responsibility system, improve the nurse—patient communication ......
